Ablation of the liver

Radio Frequency Ablation (RFA) and Microwave ablation are techniques in which tumor cells are destroyed by heating them. With these techniques, the tumor is locally destroyed while at the same time causing as little damage as possible to the healthy, surrounding tissue. The treatment can also take place as a bridge to a liver transplant.

After precise positioning using an ultrasound, a needle is inserted into the tumor. This can be done through the skin (this is called percutaneous treatment = through the skin), or during (keyhole) surgery when the liver can be punctured directly (open treatment). The tumor is then heated to above 60°C via the needle. In this way the tumor is destroyed. A condition for this treatment is that the tumor is not too large. This treatment is carried out by the radiologist within the collaboration of the Liver Center. The treatment takes place under general anesthesia or sedation, depending on the location, size and number of abnormalities.

In the Erasmus MC Liver Center, the first treatment is sufficient in 2 out of 3 patients. In 1 in 3 patients the tumor grows again, but the treatment is relatively safe and can be repeated if necessary. After the treatment, the result must be checked with a CT scan. The first check-up is usually 6 weeks after treatment. You will return to the Surgery outpatient clinic after each CT scan. The surgeon will discuss the results of the CT scan with you.

Under ultrasound guidance, the needle is inserted (through the skin) to then heat the tumor for several minutes.